Thursday, June 2, 2011


Hi all,

Well, hopefully the weather forecast is looking better after a very wet spring. Please plan to meet for our 1st ever Spina Bifida playdate on Saturday, June 4, 2011, at noon at Millstone Creek Park, 745 North Spring Road, Westerville, Ohio 43082 (see website at www., then go to City Departments, then Parks/Facilities, then Millstone Creek Park for directions and information). This is a handicapped accessible park! Please bring a packed lunch for everyone in your bunch who will attend, so that the adults can relax (hopefully) and get to know one another, while the kiddos play and make new friends (after they eat a few bites, of course).

This is completely informal. If you show up, great, if not, hope you can make the next one. If it rains, then consider the event cancelled, and we will try to do this again, but it will probably be in early July.

I hope the weather holds out and I hope to see you all there on June 4 at noon.
